ISS Intro Price

Dale Drew (
Tue, 10 May 94 14:36:17 PDT

Here's the info on the price, I am not sure if this was posted anywhere 
else or not.  if not, it should have been.

Dale Drew				      	   MCI Telecommunications 
Manager					           Data Systems Integrity 
Voice: (408) 922-6526	  	               Internet: ddrew@Tymnet.COM 
Fax  : (408) 922-8870                          MCIMAIL: Dale_Drew/644-3335  

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>From  Tue May 10 07:38:26 1994
From: Christopher Klaus <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: ISS Intro Price
To: ddrew@Tymnet.COM
Date: Tue, 10 May 94 10:41:01 EDT
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL0]
Content-Length: 1761
X-Lines: 52
Status: RO

*Special Introductory Price for a Limited Time*
 Beginning May 1st and ending on June 15 for only 45 days. 

For this limited time, ISS 2.0 will be sold to anyone with a class B size
network for the following prices:

       $3000.00 US DOLLARS for the ISS 2.0 package With Support.

[I thought this was a typo at first, but I was mistaken.....]

For Educational Institutes with network class size B.
        $315.00 US DOLLARS for the ISS 2.0 package With Support.

Support Consists of the Following:

 1) Answering any questions in relation to ISS for corrective measures. 
Providing telephone support regarding ISS.

 2) Providing free updates for a whole year.  This will make sure you
get the newest vulnerability checks.

Please add an additional $15 for shipping and handling.

This does not include source code.  This is a binary release only.  If your
company needs source code, please e-mail saying so.  

The binary versions compiled are SunOs 4.1.x (Solaris 2.3 compatibile),
HPUX, and AIX.  

The user license agreement form is in IBM MS-Word 2.0 format and the
registration form is in post-script.  If your word processor can format that,
the user license agreement and registration form can be sent by E-mail.  If not,
please send your fax phone number in e-mail and a user license agreement and
registration form will be faxed. Please make two copies of the User License
Agreement and fill out and sign the license agreements.  Return two license
agreements and a filled out registration form with a purchase order form to the
following address: 

	Internet Security Systems, Inc.
	2209 Summit Place Drive
	Atlanta, GA. 30350-2430

ISS 2.0 will be sent to you on an IBM formatted disk with a version indicated
by the registration form.  Along with a copy of the license agreement and

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